
“FIR on Strategy” Updates – Length & Content

>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

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FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari“FIR on Strategy with Andrea Vascellari” is part of the “ FIR For Immediate Release Podcast Network”.

Many of you found out about “FIR on Strategy” thanks to FiR – the main show. But many other listeners found out about “FIR on Strategy”, from my updates on social media, my newsletter or because they are already subscribed to my blog.

So the updates that I shared on the main “FIR” show didn’t reach them because they didn’t necessarily listened to For Immediate Release – FIR. I didn’t think about this because I’ve been a faithful listener, contributor and member of the community since 2005, but then I realized this thanks to some conversations with listeners of “FIR on Strategy”.

This is why I thought to add to “FIR on Strategy” some periodic updates. They are not going to be frequent but it will help to keep everyone in the loop.

With this first update I want to share with you how I will structure future episodes and the rational behind it. Continue reading ““FIR on Strategy” Updates – Length & Content”

The Project Plan

>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (4.3Mb, 08:54) – Get the show on iTunes!

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage strategy programs more effectively and efficiently.

Each podcast of this series comes with show notes that briefly summarize the discussed topics. For the full commentary you will have to listen to the audio.

“FIR on Strategy with Andrea Vascellari” is part of the “ FIR For Immediate Release Podcast Network”.

As a strategist, planner or leader in your organization, you are tasked with casting a vision. You are the one that sets the strategy, and defines how it will have to be executed. But in order to create a strategic communications initiative you need an operative structure, you need a plan.

In this episode we’ll understand “what’s the plan”, why it’s important and then I’ll share with you 5 key questions you should be asking yourself when you start to work on a communications plan.

Continue reading “The Project Plan”

The Project Scope

>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (5.5Mb, 11:26) – Get the show on iTunes!

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage strategy programs more effectively and efficiently.

Each podcast of this series comes with show notes that briefly summarize the discussed topics. For the full commentary you will have to listen to the audio.

“FIR on Strategy with Andrea Vascellari” is part of the “ FIR For Immediate Release Podcast Network”.

Defining a clear scope it’s critical to a project’s success. In today’s episode we will understand what the scope is, why it’s so important and how to define the scope of your projects.

I’ll share with you an actionable methodology that you can use to define the scope of your projects so that you’ll walk away with an actual tool that you can use to execute your projects more effectively and efficiently.
Continue reading “The Project Scope”

The Execution Phase

>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (5.9Mb, 12:16) – Get the show on iTunes!

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage strategy programs more effectively and efficiently.

Each podcast of this series comes with show notes that briefly summarize the discussed topics. For the full commentary you will have to listen to the audio.

“FIR on Strategy with Andrea Vascellari” is part of the “ FIR For Immediate Release Podcast Network”.

In this episode you will understand:

  • What is the execution phase?
  • Why it’s so important?
  • And then I’ll share with you an actionable methodology to kickoff your execution phase more efficiently.

Continue reading “The Execution Phase”

Digital Strategy – Planning

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework” , an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage online strategy programs more effectively and efficiently. Each of post of this series comes with an audio podcast in which you will find the audio version of the post with additional audio commentary about the discussed topics. The name of the podcast is “FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari”.

The “planning” phase of your strategic communication plans is about aligning the resources and prioritizing the actions of an organization as it strives to achieve its goals. Whether you are working on a PR or a marketing initiative, a good plan is meant to serve as a roadmap.

Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework - Process

A solid communication plan will make it possible to target your communication accurately in the short and long term helping you map out how to raise the profile of an organization over time. A plan makes your communication more efficient, effective, and lasting. Continue reading “Digital Strategy – Planning”


>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (6.4Mb, 13:21) – Get the show on iTunes!

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage online strategy programs more effectively and efficiently. Each of post of this series comes with an audio podcast in which you will find the audio version of the post with additional audio commentary about the discussed topics. The name of the podcast is “FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari”.

A budget is an invaluable tool to help us prioritize our spending and manage our finances. Simply put, a budget is a detailed summary of likely income and expenses for a given period. It provides a concrete and organized breakdown of how much money we have coming in and how much we are letting go.

If you are listening to this episode you probably work in communications, design and development, PR or marketing so chances are that when you think about budgets you are looking at several different disciplines like paid advertising, content, product/service marketing, public relations, branding or creative.

To be honest we could talk about budgets all day but as usual it’s not an easy job to research, select, prepare and share with you valuable information that can help you plan, execute and manage your strategic communication plans. So today we are going to focus mainly on two things:
Continue reading “Budgets”

KPIs – What? Why? How?

>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (6.5Mb, 13:33) – Get the show on iTunes!

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage online strategy programs more effectively and efficiently. Each of post of this series comes with an audio podcast in which you will find the audio version of the post with additional audio commentary about the discussed topics. The name of the podcast is “FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari”.

What are KPIs?

A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a type of performance measurement. You may use KPIs to evaluate the success of your organization or more specifically the success of a project.

These indicators help you understand whether you are making progress towards the achievement of your objectives. This is why it’s vital that you have a good understanding of what you are trying to achieve with your initiative. If you need help to define your objectives, check out episode #15 of “FIR on Strategy”.

Most organizations set strategic objectives they desire to achieve. One way to measure the progress toward achieving these objectives is to use KPIs.

Continue reading “KPIs – What? Why? How?”


>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (5.5Mb, 11:24) – Get the show on iTunes!

FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage online strategy programs more effectively and efficiently. Each of post of this series comes with an audio podcast in which you will find the audio version of the post with additional audio commentary about the discussed topics. The name of the podcast is “FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari”.

If you conducted your context analysis, defined your audiences, objectives and strategies, well then it’s time for you to focus on your tactics.

Continue reading “Tactics”

Strategy – What? Why? How?

>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (8.7Mb, 17:58) – Get the show on iTunes!


FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage online strategy programs more effectively and efficiently. Each of post of this series comes with an audio podcast in which you will find the audio version of the post with additional audio commentary about the discussed topics. The name of the podcast is “FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari”.

Have you defined you SMART objectives? If you don’t know what I mean by SMART objectives I encourage you to listen/have a look at episode #15 of “FIR on Strategy”. But if you already know how to define your objectives and it’s clear to you where you want to get with your project, then it’s time for you to choose which path, or paths, you will take to get there. It’s time for you to define your strategies.
Continue reading “Strategy – What? Why? How?”


>> Listen to the audio version to find out additional commentary about the topics discussed in this post!

Download the MP3 file (8.1Mb, 16:49) – Get the show on iTunes!


FIR On Strategy with Andrea VascellariThis is part of a series of posts that explores the “Adaptive Digital Strategy Framework”, an operative guide that I created to plan, execute and manage online strategy programs more effectively and efficiently. Each of post of this series comes with an audio podcast in which you will find the audio version of the post with additional audio commentary about the discussed topics. The name of the podcast is “FIR On Strategy with Andrea Vascellari”.

Objectives are what you need to accomplish. Once the objectives are framed, strategies, tactics, KPIs, budgets and all the other activities will fall into the right place. Objectives come first. If your objectives are not clearly defined it’s going to be difficult for you to move towards achieving a successful project.

In this post/cast we will understand what are the most common mistakes made when defining objectives, how to actually define your objectives, I’ll give you some examples and at the end I will share also some tips based on my experience that I’m sure you will find valuable.
Continue reading “Objectives”