Marketing Over Coffee Awards

Marketing Over Coffee Awards

The Marketing Over Coffee Awards honor those who have done exemplary work in Marketing over the past year. Often the winners sit at the intersection of Marketing and Technology, having identified a future trend and put it to work. The awards also seek to honor those who educate, have a commitment to their community, are professional, and do work of the highest quality.

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Communications Report for March 30th 2011 –

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Apple and Adobe…You guys should talk


Adobe Flash Player & Apple

Apple and Adobe have figure out a way to go hand in hand in this. Now Apple won’t even ship anymore Macs with a pre-installed Flash player leaving that as an option to the end users that will have to download it directly from Adobe. Same goes with Java, although I believe that could have a minor impact. Anyway, Apple and Adobe should really talk about this. It’s 2010, how long this battle will keep going on? Com’on guys…

Your Take?
