Urinal Game Let’s You Play Guitar

Billboard, one of the world’s oldest international trade magazines devoted to the music industry, has proven that music does come from everywhere. Continue reading “Urinal Game Let’s You Play Guitar”

[Report] for January 27th 2010 – AndreaVascellari.com

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Richard Edelman on Trust Barometer 2010

The Edelman 2010 Trust Barometer survey of trust and credibility in business and government has just been released.

According to Richard Edelman (President & CEO Edelman) business has stabilized and trust has risen in few countries such as the US but generally the picture is much more solid.

However trust in business is very fragile and business has to learn that the biggest drivers of corporate reputation are no longer an outstanding CEO and having terrific financial results.

Today the main reputation drivers are:

  • Quality products & services
  • Trust in the company
  • Transparent operations

That’s the new normal for corporation.

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